Dr. Gruenn is a Fellow of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy and was a co-investigator in a FDA supervised study on “Safety and Efficacy of Ozone Therapy.”
Medical Ozone Therapy is an oxidative therapy that both heals and detoxifies. The use of ozone to treat medical conditions was first developed in Germany in the early 1950's and today is widely used in Europe and the US. Ozone is found naturally in the body, as the white blood cells utilize it as part of the immune response. Pure medical grade ozone, when used according to established medical guidelines, has a safety record that is unparalleled.
Medical Properties Of Ozon
Ozone is a potent immune system regulator that positively affects chronic infections, inflammation and autoimmune disease.
Ozone increases uptake of oxygen into cells.
Ozone improves blood flow.
Ozone stimulates the production of intra-cellular antioxidants like superoxide-dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase.
Ozone stimulates mitochondrial energy production.
Ozone assists detoxification pathways
How Is Ozone Used Medically?
➢Major auto-hemotherapy (MAH): This is a systemic therapy where 6-10 ounces of blood are withdrawn into an IV bag and then ozonated. The ozonated blood is then reinfused. MAH is contraindicated during pregnancy, after a recent myocardial infarction, with active bleeding, hyperthyroidism, a very low platelet count, or G6PD deficiency.
➢Ear, nasal or rectal insufflation
➢Prolozone: Is an injection of a local anesthetic (Procaine) and ozone into various tissues. It is used to treat tendon, ligament, muscle and joint pain.
Is medical ozone for you?
Because of its many therapeutic properties, ozone has been used for a wide variety of diseases like chronic or recurrent viral, fungal and bacterial infections, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, herpes infections, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, macular degeneration and various autoimmune diseases. It is most effective when combined with an individualized treatment plan.
For more information and research references: aaot.us; drsozone.com